Check out all the finished art on my DeviantArt gallery, in this folder, by clicking here!
Or check out Free the Slaves here.
I raised 40 dollars by exchanging art for pledges. We'll find out the grand totals for the whole Art Marathon (a week long thing) in the New Year.
Cheers and cheese, all! Thanks for supporting me, showing up in the chatroom to randomly shout about Summon Bigger Fish and otherwise spread the cheese.
The first picture I did for Art Marathon was for The Comic Creator's Alliance, another fundraiser, which kicks off January 11th... some 80-some comic creators have teamed up to draw a female character of theirs to be placed in a wallpaper containing ALL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS in ONE SCREEN. Including me. Woot! Do check it out if you like webcomics.
Maybe now I'll get back to the easy challenges like rolling dice. >_>
Congrats! I'm so proud of you for standing in the gap, for those that cannot stand for themselves! I am excited for the Comic Creator's Alliance to start their drive next. You did well! NickC